Check them out!

  • The Autocops

    The Autocops: Elevating the car buying/selling experience. Crafted with React, Firebase, Node, and Express. A freelance project showcasing my skills in delivering top-notch solutions.



    An E-Commerce Book store in React with a mock backend

  • Sociascape

    A Social media platform in React with a mock backend

  • Lucky Birthday?

    Is your B'day Lucky? Enter your Birth-date and your Lucky number to find out!

  • Cash Register

    Do you struggle to calculate the change when you shop via cash? You don't have to struggle anymore!

  • Triangle Mania

    Small fun quizzes on triangles. It allows you to calculate area, hypotenuse, find third angle, and take a quick quiz to test your knowledge of triangles.

  • Particle Fun

    click on the screen to play with particles and crazy shapes. let's see how many particles you give rise to !

  • Music-Recommender

    Checkout my favorite music from this React based Music-Recommender web app.

  • Stock Informer

    Do you want to know if your stock gained profit or suffered loss ? Check it out! React based Stock-profit/loss calculator.

  • Emoji-Translator

    Struggling with Emoji's ? Not anymore ! This React based Emoji-Translator is here now.

  • Palindrome Birthday ?

    A web app which tells you if your birthdate is palindrome or not. If not, it returns the nearest palindrome date and the number of days by which you missed it.

  • Minionese

    Are you a fan of minions? Did you know that the gibberish they say is an actual language. Use the translator to convert your text from English to Minion speak or Banana language.

  • Woof-Translator

    The dog word for “hello” is woof (pronounced wuf, wüf, and sometimes wrüf, depending on breed and regional dialect).

  • Friends Trivia

    It is a quiz which is a compilation of questions about the famous tv series friends

  • Quiz About Me

    How well do you know Amulya? This CLI app is a quiz about which determines how well do you know Amulya.

  • Portfolio

    I am going to make a portfolio to host my projects and skillset online.
    Do check it out!